Buying Advice

Touchy-feely tech now on a larger canvas


Time was when the only reason anyone touched a computer screen was to give it an exasperated slap. But the ubiquity of tablets, smartphones and kiosks has opened everyone’s eyes to the potential benefits of getting touchy-feely with technology, and now those benefits are being extended to a larger canvas.…

Having a connection with your colleagues


A few years ago having a remote conference meant trooping into a big room and twiddling a lot of knobs. Somewhere else in the world a group of people in an identical room twiddled some identical knobs until (God willing) you were connected in a video conference. More recently things…

Are you sending all the right signals?


Most of us are familiar with the inputs and outputs of an AV system – the computers, media players or cameras and microphones that provide the content, and the screens, projectors and speakers on which we enjoy or endure it. But what happens in the middle? Is there a straight…

Projecting the best image is critical


Before taking the plunge, buyers need to consider a number of factors, largely based on the environment the projectors will be placed in and the material that will be shown on them.  For example, resolution is a big factor with film and specialist business users in the finance, design, medical…

Pixel pitch perfect


Stroll through almost any shopping mall or airport and you will be assailed with offers, information and brand imaging on a plethora of outsized displays. Command and control centres have dispensed with banks of flickering TVs in favour of sleek videowalls that at least make it look as though everything…

Achieving the optimal audio chain reaction


Unless audio is being used simply for amplification it has to be produced which involves recording voice, music and effects, editing them into a final mix, and delivering this to listeners. Getting all the ducks in a row requires a flock of high-quality ducks. “You need the best solution throughout…

Having the power at your fingertips


An interactive presentation system combines the simplicity of a whiteboard with the power of a computer so a teacher or business person can deliver dynamic lessons or presentations and annotate in realtime. Students or audience members can interact with the system, making it a focal point for collaborative learning or…

Tech Briefing: LFD and videowalls


Visit the average shopping centre, control room or meeting space and you’ll probably be confronted by messages or information writ so large they are virtually impossible to ignore. The enablers (or perpetrators, depending on your point of view) are generally videowalls or large format displays (LFDs). Essentially an LFD consists…

Buyer’s Guide | Learn the zoology of an AV system


We talk of an AV system as though it were a single animal, but often the reality is more like a zoo. Getting a simple lecture or video conference up and running may involve powering up or adjusting displays, projectors, cameras, visualisers, DVD/Blu-ray players, speakers, amplifiers, lights, blinds and even…