The luxury health clinic with 28 LED displays in Barcelona

Managed by the by platform, the displays installed by integrator luk hiar! include transparent LED and an undulating 5m x 0.5m display in a training room.


A new HLA International Clinic in Barcelona is equipped with a digital signage installation comprising almost thirty LED screens.

The integration was carried out by Barcelona-based digital signage specialist luk hair!, which chose the software platform for centralised management of the display network.

The new building, with four floors and three basements over a ground plan of more than 6,500 square metres, is HLA’s second medical centre in Barcelona and covers over twenty different specialisations. A new benchmark in innovative care, it is also a reference for urban sustainability, designed and built with sustainable architecture and materials.

“It is a luxurious building with highly sophisticated architecture and the best quality materials,” explained Jorge Luna, executive director of luk hiar! “The digital signage system had to be on a par with these high standards and to integrate to perfection with the modern, sophisticated and different design of the building,” he added.

Both the architect as well as the management of the centre did not want conventional LCD screens hanging on the walls, instead opting for elegant, attractive and modern digital signage to share information and contents with patients in a dynamic way.

With this brief, luk hiar! designed a network based on LED hardware in different formats, sizes and technologies, including transparent LED screens, digital posters and modular flat screens, which are deployed across the clinic in waiting rooms, a reception area, training rooms, corridors and lobbies.

“LED technology affords excellent image resolution at a highly competitive price and gave us the modular flexibility we needed to build displays in any shape and size in the clinic, creating a notable impact and adding a spectacular touch to the medical centre,” the director of luk hiar! said.

The content of the 28 screens deployed around the new clinic are managed centrally through 20 licences from the software platform—an ideal solution for non-technical users—which operates like the brains controlling the network, regulating the schedule of contents and synchronising them easily and intuitively.

“We chose for the project because it is a solution that facilities the straightforward yet versatile management of all the screens. The software is simple to operate and allows the client to be self-sufficient in handling it, if they so wish, and is able to integrate different sources of information and can be used with any kind of hardware,” said Luna.

With, the users of the clinic’s network can upload any content, program playlists easily and even automatically if required, schedule the publication of playlists and assign them manually or automatically to different devices. At the same time, all devices can be controlled remotely.

The displays dotted around the clinic are used to greet visitors and patients, to make waiting time more bearable and pleasant with a range of attractive contents, to share health information and advice, to play corporate and entertainment videos, as well as to convey updated information on the centre’s opening hours and the location of the different units and rooms. Moreover, the clinic’s rotation manager is also using to optimsze the flow of public attention through the screens.

Among the various displays there is a striking undulating LED measuring 5 metres long by 50 centimetres high with a pixel pitch of 2.6 mm located in the Doctor Espriu training room, where educational content is screened in tribute to Josep Espriu, a world ambassador for co-operative healthcare.

Made of flexible, light and easy to install panels, these semi-transparent polycarbonate LED screens can be placed on any glass surface and are semi-transparent when not in use, in such a way that they do not interrupt the vision and add an elegant and surprising touch to the different spaces.

The digital signage network installed in the clinic is extendable thanks to the scalability of, which allows it to be used in an unlimited number of devices. In fact, luk hiar! will soon be installing a large LED HD screen measuring 2.5m wide by 1.5m high with a pixel pitch of 1.8 mm in the ground floor lobby.

The digital signage network is a unique audiovisual installation in Spain in a hospital setting. “It is an innovative project and the truth is that the client was completely won over by the network of displays, which gives the clinic an absolutely differential aesthetic,” said Luna.  “They have already seen the versatility and potential for management that the system allows thanks to the power of”

Toni Viñals, CEO of, commented: “We are delighted that our technology has been chosen for such an emblematic project in Barcelona. Digital signage is an affordable and easily installable solution to improve patients’ experience in hospital settings, giving us control over the day-to-day management of all the different screens with dynamic and attractive content, and improving the image of the centres.”

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