VuWall solutions power gas utility control room in Greece

The installation includes an eight by two video wall, controllers and advanced management software to streamline, control and visualise the incoming flow of information.


VuWall has provided hardware and software for the control room of a government natural gas utility organisation in Greece.

The VuWall system at DESFA, which was installed by integration firm Avidex, includes video wall controllers and advanced management software in order to streamline, control and visualise the incoming flow of information from the national natural gas transmission system and other sources.

VuWall was specified as it was able to meet the control room challenges presented by DESFA. Only high-quality solutions enable operators to see the multitude of sources that help them monitor and manage resources, power and utility generation, transmission and distribution. This includes hardware inputs, IP streams (CCTV) and third-party supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) software.

Avidex installed 16 55″ Samsung displays in a two by eight video wall arrangement. Driving the video wall are two VuScape 280 controllers (one for redundancy) and VuWall’s advanced video wall management software.

VuWall’s future-proof and scalable video wall processing and management solutions are well suited to control rooms. They allow operators to easily control and distribute all content sources to the video wall with the utmost flexibility, thanks to the full-featured management software.

The VuWall ecosystem enables data to be gathered from sensors, devices, vehicles and other third-party technology critical to utility operations centres. It is also interoperable with SCADA software, allowing for the efficient monitoring and control of field devices and sensors at remote sites from a central location.

Dimitris Dermon, owner of Avidex, said: “VuWall is key to DESFA’s operations. We were able to offer a lower total cost for its video wall solution, while dramatically increasing DESFA’s satisfaction and reducing the response time, due to the reliability and high-quality video wall processing of the VuWall ecosystem.”

VuWall’s executive vice-president of international sales, Eric Hénique, said: “The installation at DESFA demonstrates how VuWall’s control room solutions are perfectly suited for the utilities sector.

“With VuWall, the control room is operating at peak performance, with the system delivering the readiness and redundancy essential to its operation. The operations team can see the status of a variety of sources – including hardware inputs, IP streams and SCADA – with incredible ease and dependability optimised for real-time throughput, providing reliable 24/7 operations.”

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